If there’s anything that makes people self-conscious or embarrassed, discoloured teeth are one of them. But we should know that nobody is born with white teeth, and age makes the teeth less white. What happens is that as we grow older, the protective enamel gradually fades, and the colour of the dentin under it shows off to give our teeth a discolour. Be that as it may, there are habits people have that contribute to stained teeth. And it’s critical to know these things.
Book an AppointmentTooth discolouration isn’t caused by the natural ageing process alone. Two major factors also contribute to stained teeth:
This is caused by the staining of the outer layer of the enamel from consuming some kinds of food and drink or because of certain habits. The enamel is what protects and maintains the tooth colour. However, there are substances you eat and lifestyles that can change that. They are:
Drinks and foods like tea, coffee, red wine, white wine, tobacco, some fruits and veggies like potato and apples Habits such as tobacco use and smoking
Improper care of the teeth – poor oral hygiene which makes the teeth accumulate teeth-staining food particles
Here, the discolouration is caused by the darkening or formation of a yellow hue on the dentin – the inner part of the tooth. Several factors can trigger this development:
External factors that discolour teeth can be kept at bay with the right oral care and hygiene. Here, you should brush your teeth regularly after meals.
Dental experts have recommended that you should rinse your mouth immediately with water after eating potential tooth-staining foods and drinks.
Keeping an appointment every 6 months with your dentist to get professional teeth cleaning is another way to eliminate external teeth-staining factors.
The cause of your tooth discolouration will determine the treatment option you’ll get. However, regular brushing and flossing as a habit is an initial critical step to achieve this. Dentists discourage the intake of foods and drinks high in teeth-staining properties.
With over-the-counter whitening products, you can treat tooth stains. These are products designed to brighten the teeth upon application. They consist of a mild bleach formula that’s adhered to a mouthpiece you can bond to your teeth.
Mild stains can be removed from your teeth with whitening toothpaste, but your teeth’ general colour remains the same.
A more effective treatment comes from a dentist. They employ advanced teeth treatment professionally, and in at most 45 minutes, you will have brighter teeth.